Residential Inspections
0-1,999 Square Ft.
2,000-2,999 Square Ft.
3,000-3,999 Square Ft.
Radon Testing
Radon testing only
Radon testing with a residential inspection
Well / Septic Inspection
Well Water Evaluations
Bacterial Analysis
Pressure and Flow Rate
Toxin Tests
*When Conducted in Conjunction with Other Evaluations
Bacterial Analysis
*With Pressure and Flow Rate with Well Evaluation
Septic Evaluations
With/without records available
Well + Septic Combinations
Bacterial Analysis and Septic Evaluation with accurate records available
*With Accurate Records Available
Bacterial Analysis with Pressure and Flow Rate and Septic Evaluation
FHA Requirements: Bacterial Analysis, Pressure and Flow, Lead, Nitrite/Nitrate and Septic Evaluation
* With Accurate Records Available
Woodboring Insect Inspection
Depending service area and the provider
$79 – $89 plus tax