radon testing

Radon Testing
Whether you’re buying a new home or older home, the Enviromental Protecion Agency (EPA) recommends that ALL home owners test for Radon. Radon is a radioactive gas that comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in the soil, rock, and water. This odorless, tastless gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.
Ryan M. Fisher uses a Radalink Telemonitor™ to measure the radon level continuously for 48 hours. It ensures an accurate measurement because it:
- Eliminates outside interference
- Is tamper resistant
- Gives hourly readings
- Performs internal diagnostic test when power is on
At the conclusion of the test …
- Data is transmitted to the lab through a LAN (telephone line)
- Results are received in about 1 hour
- Your test results will then be E-mailed or faxed directly to you and your agent
- If the radon concentration level is above 4pCi/L it can easily be reduced by a mitigation system installed by a Licensed Mitigation Specialist. A list of specialists will be provided on request.